Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 3

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Bow to the principal. Accept the diploma. Shake hands with the principal. Bow to the principal. Bow to everyone. Leave the stage.

That was all we were asked to remember. That was all we were told to do. It all seemed so simple, yet I couldn't help but feel nervous as I stood in the audience area. Looking around me, I saw my classmates staring at the stage, their eyes completely focused in front of them. It was as if what they're seeing on the stage wasn't the Principal, who was giving his usual long-winded speech, but their unknown future.

“Sato, Seiji,” the Principal's voice resounded from the speakers. That was my cue.

I walked from my seat towards the stage. Passing by the other students in the audience area, I felt weak and nervous.

“You look stupid,” I heard someone mutter. I stopped in my tracks. Turning to the direction where the voice came from, I saw Koji. “What are you doing? Go already!” he urged.

His words were cruel, as usual. But they were the push I needed. I made my way to the stage without looking back.

I bowed to the principal then accepted the diploma. Afterwards, I shook hands with him and bowed to him again. I then turned to the audience, but I couldn’t see their faces.

My vision was blurry. My chest felt heavy and a lump formed on my throat. I didn’t understand. Was I on the verge of tears?

I closed my eyes and bowed to the audience. When I looked up, I could see things a bit more clearly. I wanted to say “thank you”, but the lump in my throat made it difficult for me to voice anything out. I turned to my left and walked down the stage.

That’s right… we might not see each other again, the thought finally sunk in.

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