Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 11

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It’s Friday. Today was the day Reika will be having her operation. I felt empty. I wanted to visit her today, just to be there for her. No, I wanted to go for myself, not for her. She obviously chose to have her operation today, knowing I would be at school. She didn’t want me to be there when she takes the surgery.

I spent the whole day thinking about her. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to hear the good news. I wanted to know that she can walk outside now, and didn’t have to spend her days inside her small room – her small planet.

When the dismissal bell rang, I didn’t go home. I rushed to the hospital, wanting to see her.

On my way to her room, I saw the brunette nurse. She was walking from the direction of Reika’s room. She looked sad, but I told myself she was just tired. Her patient just went through surgery after all. But I couldn’t hold on to that illusion for long, for in her right hand was a small book - Reika’s rose. When she saw me, she showed me a weak smile; one ready to give in to tears.

“She knew you were coming today,” she whispered. “She wanted you to read her the next chapter of her favorite book.”

She opened the door to room 203; cool air leaked from the room as she did. The room was very cold. It seems like the air conditioner was left on the whole day. The curtains were completely shut. And, in the solitary bed, Reika lay. My chest tightened upon seeing her. She looked like she was asleep, with her blanket covering up to her neck; a peaceful expression on her face.

I took a seat by her bed and the nurse sat on a chair she set beside mine. I reached over to gently brush the hair from her forehead, and allowed my fingers linger on her soft, cold cheek.

Holding back my tears, I opened the book to the 21st chapter and began reading.

“It was then that the fox appeared.” I began.

As I read the chapter, I saw the two of us. I was the little prince, and she was the fox. At first, from our points of view, the other person was no one special. I had no need of her; and she – me.

She knew that becoming friends with me will only hurt the two of us. But as time passed, she warmed up to me. Like the fox, she wanted to be tamed, even if that meant that the goodbyes will be painful.

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