Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 7

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“Don’t you like the sky?” I asked her, after reading another chapter from the book. I turned my attention to the curtains, blocking her view of the sky.
“I do,” she answered. “But I was told that opening the curtains will affect the room’s te-te…”
“Temperature?” I asked.
“Hai… My body is weak, you see. Big changes in te-…” she paused for a moment, blushed, and looked away. “…coldness will be bad for me.”
“Tem-pe-rey-tyur!” I laughed.
“Ma ii ka!”

Although I was laughing, I felt sad for her. This room wasn’t just her home. It was already her world - her habitat. She was like a snowball that will melt if it was left out of a cold place for a period of time.

Hai = Yes
Ma ii ka = Whatever

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