Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 6

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My visits to the hospital became a weekly event. I went every Saturday. Mom and dad asked me why I’ve been going there so often, in which I answered “to visit a friend.”

Not wanting to bother Nee-san, I didn’t visit her every week. But I visited the small girl each time. And in every visit, I read her 1-2 chapters from the book, asked her what her thoughts were about the story, and shared mine afterwards.

After a few visits, I can tell that she warmed up to me. She showed more expressions and emotions compared to before. She also talked to me a lot more.

“Do you know why the little prince cared so much about the little flower?” I asked her in one of my visits, after reading a chapter.
“It’s the only one he has,” was her reply. “He didn’t have much to treasure, so he wants to protect the only one he has.”

I was surprised by her answer. It seemed like she already understood things beyond the story. Or maybe the nurse just explained it to her.

“Yes. People generally care about a lot of things, giving themselves more complicated things to care about; to worry about. But with one single treasure, the little prince had only the rose to protect. It means the world to him.”
“What’s your rose?” the little girl asked me.

I pondered on her question for some time. Being unable to come up with an answer, I laughed.

“Looks like I’m like the man who worries about matters of consequence.”
“Mushroom!” she exclaimed, pointing at me. Her blank expression didn’t match her cute action.
“Well? What’s about you? What’s your rose?”

My question gave her a momentary look of surprise. But her expression changed to a warm one.

She wrapped her arms around the book and answered, “This…” She then turned to me. Her mouth revealed a small, warm smile.

In "Le Petit Prince", the prince met a businessman in one of the planets he visited. The prince was upset by the businessman's insensitivity to appreciate the beauty around him, thus the prince compared the businessman to a mushroom.

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