Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 2

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“Yo, Koji!” I called, as Koji entered the room.
“Yo,” he greeted with his usual blank expression.

Aside from Koji and me, all of the guys in our class already had their groups of friends. Because of this, it was difficult to approach other people aside from Koji. Like me, Koji was not included in any groups of friends in our class. That’s why we would often get grouped together in group activities.

“Koji!” I called, taking a seat on the chair beside his. “You have to try playing School Hours!”
“Hah?” he replied with an annoyed tone.
“It’s a galge! A galge!” I explained. “I just finished it yesterday. And man, it’s awesome. I really know you’ll enjoy it once you get to try it. I’ve never felt so much from a game. You see, it started…”

Slamming his table, he stood up and walked out of the room. I followed him with my eyes, wondering if I spoke too loudly. Everyone in the room also watched him in silence.

After a few seconds, everyone else went back to chatting with their friends. I turned my attention to Yuusaku’s group. Seeing their happy faces as they talked to each other about whatever, I couldn't help but feel envious.

I wonder how it feels to be popular.

Galge = Shortened form of 'Gal game'. This refers to Japanese games which focus on interactions with anime girls. Often similar to dating sims.

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