Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 1

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The first impression – this is the crucial point when it comes to creating your image. People will judge you and treat you based on their first impression of you. Whether people will see you as a silent person, a geek, a socialite… all of these will depend on their first impression from you.

“I'm going!” I called as I went down the stairs.

That’s not all. The image people get from their first impression of you will not be easy to change. That very image people have of you may very well be the image you live with in that world. The way you treat others will also depend on the image you believe people have of you.

“A-Ayumi! Your hair!” mom gasped upon seeing me.
“Nice, isn’t it?” I grinned.

I took off my slippers and wore my shoes, before leaving the house. I knew mom would be surprised by my change of hairstyle and color. I secretly dyed my hair with a peach color before heading to bed last night, so no one in my family knew about it. I knew they wouldn’t approve, so I didn’t tell them. This was just something I needed to do... something to make myself stand out.

The secret is to get their curiosity and attention. Once you have both, they will be the ones approaching you and not the other way around. You see, I’m not the type to approach people to talk to them. But if they talk to me first, I could talk to them.

“Wow, I like your hair,” a girl told me after I entered our new classroom. She said that as she tucked her bangs behind her ear. She had a beautiful shoulder-length hair, propped up with a few hairpins on the side.

“Thanks!” I smiled.
“Peachy!” another girl, with wavy brown hair, remarked.

Most of the seats in front were already taken. I took my seat on the 6th chair from the door, in the last row.

A new school. A brand new start. I don’t know how long I’ve waited for this. To finally be free from the life I had last year. For a happier school life, I was determined to make a great first impression. And that was why I was shocked to hear those words.

“My hobby is reading books. Something interesting about me… I hate people.”

The introductory words of the guy named Koji Takashi left the whole class speechless. I felt afraid as I watched him. But my fear wasn’t of him, but rather for him. I knew how it was to be hated by the people around you. I knew how it was like to have the image that he had chosen.

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