Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 2

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Mihara High School…

I entered the place, only to find a large crowd in front of me. They were all looking at the bulletin boards, where the class listings were attached to. I stood behind the crowd, waiting for them to leave. I was in no hurry. It’s not like the bulletin boards will disappear.

“Class 1-E, huh?” I mumbled to myself as I looked at the class list.
“Yo, Koji!” I heard followed by a slap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw him.

He looked different – a lot less nerdy. Wearing black-rimmed, square-framed glasses, and always having an unkempt look, he used to have an appearance that screamed “Otaku” at whoever looked at him. But right now, he looked normal; his glasses, replaced by contacts; and his hair – styled for a change. No, he might actually pass off as a cool person, based on appearance alone. But despite the change, there’s no mistaking it. That’s Seiji Sato.

“Seiji! You’re here too?” It used to bother me to call him by his first name. But he called me by my first name so often that I started doing the same.
“Yup! And look!” he exclaimed, pointing to the list I was looking at. “We’re in the same class again!”

I was a loner back in middle school. One might even say that I’m anti-social. That wouldn’t be wrong. People annoyed me. That’s why I used to spend my breaks in the library, reading books and drawing the interesting scenes I imagined from the books.

But even though I treated people indifferently, there was one person who kept on talking to me. That was Seiji.

He was an outcast in middle school, just like me. But the reason for that was because he was an otaku. He often talked about anime and the anime-games he enjoyed playing, that people found him embarrassing to be with. However, unlike me, he had friends in other classes. I think his friends were also outcasts from other classes.


“Huh? Did you say something?” he asked.
“Nope. Is there anyone else we know?” I asked him, wondering if I accidentally blurted my thoughts out loud.
“Unfortunately, no…” he sighed, scratching the back of his head. “But that’s fine. I’m happy enough that a friend of mine will be in the same class I’ll be in.” he added, grinning from ear to ear, patting my shoulder.
Who’s your friend? “That makes two of us,” I answered, faking a smile.

It is normal in Japanese culture for people to address each other by their family name. But they address the people close to them by their first name.

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