Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 1

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Graduation… A point when people who knew each other for a few years will be heading off to their own paths, away from the place that kept them together.

“I’ll miss you!”
“Let’s keep in touch, okay?”

A time when people exchange words of affection, telling each other things they don’t really mean.

“Party at Hiro’s place!”

An excuse for foolish celebrations with people they considered their friends. Do they really believe they’re close enough that they will still be friends in the future?

Don’t kid me. You’ll soon find new friends and eventually forget about your friendships here. And the next time you see each other, you’ll probably just exchange a few words of greeting. Maybe even ask each other, “How are you?” Then you’ll walk away with the people who you now consider as friends.

“Yo, Koji! Let’s go!”
“Sorry, Seiji! I’ll pass…”
“But it won’t be complete without you! Everybody else is coming.”
Yeah right… “Sorry. I’ll be very busy with something.”
“Oh, okay… That’s too bad. Maybe next time then.”
“Yeah… next time.” As if.

Today marks the end of my middle school life. I’ll finally be free from this noisy place; free from these annoying people, pretending to be each other’s friend.

I headed down to the library, to return the book I borrowed. It took me quite some time before I could return it, as I couldn’t help but read it over and over.

“Knight and Sword, huh? How was it?” Nakajima-sensei, the librarian, asked me as I handed her the book.
“It’s great,” I answered. “I couldn’t help reading it over and over again. Even now, I don’t think I understood the author’s complete message.”
“Glad you enjoyed it,” she replied with a smile. “I still can’t believe someone in middle school could enjoy these types of books.” She paused. “Oh, you’re not a middle school student anymore, are you?”
“Yeah. Today’s the last day I’ll be bothering you, sensei.”
“Haha, I was never bothered. I actually enjoy hearing your thoughts about the books.” Her words were, like those of others, endearing. But I felt like I could believe her words. Maybe it was because she's an adult. One who knew what it really meant to have friends, to love, and to really miss people.
“Thank you for everything,” I whispered. “I’ll be going now.”

-sensei = honorific for teacher.
sensei = teacher.

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