Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Kuro Arc

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Shiro-kun's crying again. It must have been due to that loud thunderclap. Storms always reminded him about that accident.

"Don't worry. Nee-chan's here to protect you..." I softly whispered to him to calm him down.

Although I said 'Nee-chan', Shiro-kun's actually my older brother. But I can't help but feel protective of him, not just because he looked like he was still 6 years old, but also because he cries a lot. I always acted like his older sister so I can protect him. I like to pretend, you see...

Shiro-kun was the one who told me about the accident. After he did, he bawled "I'm sorry. I'm sorry...".

It happened before I was even born. Due to the sudden downpour, my parents' and Shiro-kun's trip to the zoo was cancelled. Dad was driving them back home when Shiro-kun saw a frog on the road. he suddenly jumped out from the back seat to the front to point at the frog and tell dad not to hit it. In his surprise, dad turned the wheel to the right and the car swerved into a pole.

After that incident, the red car dad drove that time has been locked up inside our garage and was never used again. And ever since then, Shiro-kun cried a lot and repeatedly apologized. But neither of them told him they forgave him.

But I actually knew my parents didn't blame him for it. I never told Shiro-kun... but around two years ago, as I walked to the bathroom, I overheard dad saying "It was all my fault," as he cried. Although I didn't look inside, I knew he was referring to that accident which happened a long time ago. I can't explain how I knew. I just felt it.

I wanted to tell him that Shiro-kun forgave them. But I knew they didn't want me to remind them of the accident, not that they ever forgotten about it.

I only brought it up once. 9 years ago... I was 5 then. I told dad that I wanted to ride the red car in the garage, to which dad just smiled and told me that the car wasn't meant to be driven.

"Then why did you let Onii-chan ride it? That's why the car crashed!" I complained.

That was the first time I saw dad make such a scary face. He yelled at me, telling me not to talk about that and then yelled at mom for telling me about it.

"Mom wasn't the one who told me. It was Onii-chan!" I insisted, to make him stop yelling.

He then struck me on the cheek with his hand. It was until I felt the burning in my cheek that I realized that I was hit. But even with the pain, I bit my lips and endured it. I didn't want to cry since that would upset Shiro-kun.

As if he just found out what he did, dad fell on his knees and hugged me. "I'm sorry... It was all my fault..." he sobbed.

"It's okay..." I whispered, just so he knew I forgave him.

But he never looked at me when he apologized. I just wanted to think that those words were meant for me. I like to pretend, you see...

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