Orihime's Hairpins - Bleach
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Chapter 3

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The first day of high school started. Like Seiji said, there were no familiar faces in our classroom aside from him.

Arriving early, I looked at the empty chairs in front of me. The chairs were set up with 4 rows, 10 columns. I took the same place I used to sit on back in middle school. That was on the second to the last row, beside the window, on the left side of the room. I tend to day dream a lot, so I enjoyed having a view of the sky.

My soon-to-be classmates arrived shortly, each one took a seat at least one seat apart from the occupied seats. That was natural. No one would feel comfortable sitting near a stranger. Well, there were a few people who sat next to someone. But, as they were able to talk to each other almost immediately, it only meant that they already knew each other.

Seiji soon arrived. As we weren’t really close to each other back in middle school, I expected him to sit somewhere in front or somewhere in the middle of the second row, where he usually sat before. But betraying my expectations, he sat next to me.

“Yo!” he greeted with his stupid grin.
“Yo!” I greeted back, trying to hide the annoyed look on my face.

Homeroom began. Our homeroom teacher was a guy named Hiro Takanagi. After writing his name on the board, he announced that he will also be our Science teacher. He then asked us to introduce ourselves starting from the leftmost seat in front, followed by the seat beside that, and so on.

The teacher asked us to say our names, our hobbies and interests, and something interesting about ourselves. One by one, my classmates stood up and started introducing themselves. After a couple of introductions, I turned my attention outside. Honestly, I didn’t see a point in saying anything aside from our name. It’s not like people will remember what you said, unless it’s funny or very unique.

Soon, it was my turn. Turning to the people on the right side of my seat, I spoke up.

“Takashi, Koji. My hobby is reading books. Something interesting about me… I hate people.” I said, hoping that will keep people away from me.

At that time, you could hear a pin drop. The chatters of some of my classmates stopped and everyone just looked at me, as if they were waiting for a punch line.

“Thank you, Takashi-kun…” Takanagi-sensei nervously said. “I guess it will be a challenge for everyone to be friends with him,” he added, followed by laughter from some of my classmates.

Give me a break, I thought…

“I’m next!” Seiji called out. “Seiji’s the name. Sato, Seiji. My interests are watching series and playing games. What’s interesting about me is that this guy here is my friend.” he said while pointing at me. The rest of the class laughed again.

Oi, oi… Who is? I thought, while glaring at him.

The rest of the day consisted of more introductions, as we have different teachers for different subjects. Afterwards, the teachers discussed our syllabus for each term of the year.

Fortunately, Seiji left me alone during lunch. He spent his time talking to our other classmates. After buying and eating bread, I spent the rest of the lunch period looking for the school’s library. That will be my haven from now on. After finding it, I returned to the classroom.

After classes, I went to the library to check the books. As expected from a high school’s library, the choices here were much more interesting than my previous school’s. I even saw the last book I read, Knight and Sword. I considered reading it again, but just decided on checking other books first. I went home after skimming through a couple of books.

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